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Auckland Aero Clubs Aa1 C Grumman American Repaint. FS2002 Grumman American Aa-1 Yankee, Version 3. A 2-seat Single-engine 108hp Bubble-top Aircraft. The Aa-1 Is Jim Bedes First Marketed Design (aka The Bd-1), Which Was Purchased, Built And Sold By American Aviation And Subsequently By Grumman. Version Three Includes Some Bug Fixes, Enhanced Visuals, A Virtual Cockpit, And Improved Flight Model Accuracy. Panel Based On Jose Mirandas Excellent Work, With Instrumentation By Chuck Dome, Dai Griffiths, And Microsoft. Flight Model By Brad Kidder. Visual Model By Terry Kaiser. Auckland Areo Club Textures repaint By Shayne Butler.

Filesize: 3.69 MB | Added on: Nov 30, 2002 | Downloads: 1328

Users Reviews
Auckland Aero Clubs Aa1 C Grumman American Repaint. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

parasailrating: 7
November 2, 2005
Excellent model to look at, but I didn t realise it was not FS2004 until tried fly it, and went like a brick don have the skills upgrade this for 2004, hope someone does. Incidentally, flown original ZK FPA out of Auckland Aero Club, quite buzz doing again in FS, once figured how keep her air.....