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Atr 41-500 Air Dolomiti By Maximos Sevastopoulos. For FS2002 Professional Edition. Includes Virtual Cockpit, Highly Realistic Custom Panel, Custom Gauges Instruments With Non-standard Functions Such As Ias Hold Or Pwr Mgt, And Custom Sound Files. Model And Panel Design By F. Sanchez-castaner By Maximos Sevastopoulos

Filesize: 7.42 MB | Added on: Nov 24, 2002 | Downloads: 1846

Users Reviews
Atr 41-500 Air Dolomiti Maximos Sevastopoulos. Rating: 9.50 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

marxrating: 9
April 18, 2003
alexxela24rating: 10
December 19, 2002
tuffguy61rating: 10
December 13, 2002
love it has a full cabin look all around do some more with others great to fly but alittle hard land not bad just touchy throttle flys nice good speess best speed at 16000 ft and 20,000 5 knot different so 315 320. 270 25,000
viper80112rating: 9
November 25, 2002