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Dornier Do 335 A-1 Ameisenbr for MS FS2002 The Dornier Do 335, also called Ameisenbr (ant-eater) or Pfeil (Arrow), was builded from the Dornier company in Oberpfaffenhofen. The first Prototype flew in November 1944 in Mengen near Sigmaringen (Baden-Wrtemberg) and was called V-1. In this version were no cannons installed. At first, the Do335 was developed as a speed bomber. But later, it was used as a prop. fighter. A special of the do335 was the tandemarrangement of the motors, which becomes a patent of Dornier. Due to the both 1750 PS motors, the do 335 had a topspeed of more than 750 km h. But her career found fast after the capitulation of Germany its end. By Jens Winkler

Filesize: 5.90 MB | Added on: Nov 15, 2002 | Downloads: 1565

Users Reviews
Dornier 335 A-1 Ameisenbr MS FS2002 called ant-eater. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

begobrating: 1
January 2, 2006
File aircraft.cfg lack, impossible to publish the plane.