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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 Md Helicopters Inc. Md 600n By Andr Kaufhold This Package Contains 3 Variations With Sounds, Panels And Animation. There Is A Normal, A Vip And An Offshore Version. The N4560. zip Version 1. 1 Is Included. This Is The Normal Variation.

Filesize: 8.61 MB | Added on: Nov 01, 2002 | Downloads: 1932

Users Reviews
FS2002 Md Helicopters. Rating: 5.25 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

KermitDF99rating: 4
January 27, 2005
scale of the choppers seem just a tad small for game
SdKfz181rating: 7
August 9, 2003
It s a nice chopper. the panel are OK. smooth to flight. But views from cockpit and virtual were poorly dark.
jasjamesrating: 8
February 16, 2003
Fun VFR Helicopter but not very good cockpit detail maneuverable and performance somewhat resembles the real thing
EC135rating: 2
February 2, 2003
This helicopter looks very well and is high detailed. It has good flight charakteristics a nice cockpit. The virtuel cockpit not the best.