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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 Military aircraft package. Spanish Air Force Mcdonnell Douglas F a-18a hornet. The Spanish Hornets Package; Includes Four Planes: 111 Esq. 11st Wing Moron A. b., 122 Esq. 12nd Wing Torrejon A. b., 151 Esq. 15th Wing Zaragoza A. b. And 462 Esq. 46th Wing Gando A. b.. Features: Full Moving Parts, Accurate Flight Dynamics, FS2002 Lights, auto Vortex, Afterburner Effects.. .. Includes 2d Panel And Virtual Cockpit. Model By Dean Raimer. Panel Components By Vanessa Leighttower, E. Marciano, Dragonflight Design. Spanish Air Force Textures By Manolo Machuca Medina.

Filesize: 6.46 MB | Added on: Oct 10, 2002 | Downloads: 10161

Users Reviews
FS2002 Military aircraft package. Rating: 9.37 of 10 over a total of 30 reviews.

q462rating: 10
May 26, 2008
really good aircraft, definatley one of my favorites to fly, i recomend downloading this plane.
jak444rating: 10
July 29, 2006
Awesome job... well done An absolutely great plane to fly, one of the best I ve found thus far. And sound is spectacular. If they were all this good everyone would be very happy indeed
Guido2224488rating: 10
June 20, 2005
Exellent plane, i never have one in my sim. Now love it
fiddleddjrating: 9
January 6, 2005
This F 18 was done very masterfully The flight dynamics are realistic, and the virtual cockpit good. I found that f sound pack by Walker Grant went well with this aircraft. Two thunbs up for plane
nithbarating: 10
September 27, 2004
Great aircraft. I was mistaken however by the picture which shows a US F 18 when pack includes Spanish i think textures. That s ok though cause downloaded RAAF version after this one is better than them both P
keywhitt2rating: 1
September 11, 2004
bobaldoorating: 10
June 23, 2004
victorherrerorating: 10
March 14, 2004
2hsprnrating: 10
March 6, 2004
I m not a top designer, but this plane is great. Seems very realistic. enjoy it much.
nomyrating: 10
February 24, 2004
perlitasrating: 8
February 24, 2004
weeping_jesterrating: 10
February 11, 2004
this is an ecellent add on ONE OF A KIND weeping jester
curtisrewrating: 10
February 8, 2004
i m downloading it right now
theykilledkennyrating: 10
January 26, 2004
fogoboyrating: 10
October 9, 2003
server3002rating: 9
October 6, 2003
This Jet is heaps cool but i think it a bit overpowered as can do 800 knots P I dont no if my Joystick sees fairly hard to keep level. But well worth the download.
trgalluccirating: 9
September 7, 2003
Jedi13rating: 10
August 27, 2003
piper77rating: 10
July 1, 2003
A very good add on. People think that this F 18 hornet is over powered, but I see a lot of f s because go to Canadian Forces Base CFB Trenton,ont., Canada. The largest airforce base in Canada all the time and know Specs plane. In real life it actually goes mach 1.8 has 40 50,000 LBS. thrust. It handles wicked, its great land, tail hook comes down with flaps. got smoke system. Really, only fault aircraft don t have avionics airspeed indicator, altimeter, etc. just panel looks like an 18, no avionics, blank.
don_generalirating: 10
June 17, 2003
djgriffrating: 9
May 14, 2003
This jet rocks great realistic controls responce, speed is awesome, the only problem i have its not quite compatable with windows xp. plane keeps creating a error. almost like falt scenery. happens most of time when cycling from pilot to tower chase view...... Other than that, The worth errors
OLO_SSJ6rating: 10
May 14, 2003
Excellent visual flight model. Very Realistic. A MUST HAVE for USAF fans, but i m waiting only Aurora FS2k2
kikicounterrating: 10
April 29, 2003
very good and realistic OLE
viciorating: 10
April 27, 2003
kristofferrating: 8
April 7, 2003
it s a O.K. flight but can t fly better then the f14 model are very good and with smoke system have fun be careful its alive bite
wielhojarating: 10
February 25, 2003
d_1280rating: 10
January 9, 2003
MO-Grating: 9
December 8, 2002
very nice but u went a little hard on the textures
Vectorrating: 10
October 31, 2002
I like this add on most of all my current down loads the programer or ers really loved model
Frostbiterating: 9
October 30, 2002
One of the best flying and looking models I ve found yet . A bit over powered though.