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Complete Aircraft
Gromit For Combat Flight Simulator 2 Only. This Is A Multi Res Model Just For Fun. Includes Blinking Eyes On Gromit, Flapping Helmet Straps When Engine Powered Up, Animated Gear And Gun. To Install Simply Unzip To Cfs2 Root Director By Stuart Green CFS2 exclusively The little plane from the oscar winning film " A close shave" created by stuart green it has an animated leather helmet and the gun rotates into place when gear is raised happy hunting.

Filesize: 359.92 Kb | Added on: Aug 31, 2002 | Downloads: 1562

Users Reviews
Gromit Combat Flight Simulator 2. Rating: 9.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

turbomrmickerating: 10
March 1, 2003
The little thing is so FUN to fly...And i won every dogflight
rekcocrating: 9
January 2, 2003
leflicrating: 10
October 20, 2002
I used this plane in a single dofight mission and won This little is great fun to fly.