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FS2002 Hawk Lead-in Fighter Trainer This New Gmax Model Of The Hawk Lift From Dsb Design Features Working Hud In Virtual Cockpit Mode, Accurate Flight Dynamics, Panel And Sounds As Well As A New Colourscheme Of The Nftc At Cold Lake, Canada. Sound By Aaron Swindle. Panel By Jeremy Ceasar. Design And Textures By David Brice, Dsb Design.

Filesize: 8.87 MB | Added on: Aug 27, 2002 | Downloads: 1863

Users Reviews
FS2002 Hawk Lead Fighter Trainer New Gmax Model Lift Dsb. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

Pho3nixrating: 10
October 25, 2002
I have been in a Hawk 127 LIF for the RAAF and flight dynamics are very real. The physical model is extremley accurate. HUD diffrent from actual aircraft virtual cockpit needs accurate intraments to make this add on complete