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Complete Aircraft
Savannah Icp Mxp740 With Rotax912 80hp Emulating Engine Belongs To Serres Aero Club U l (ultra Light) Aircraft For Microsof Flight Simulator 2002 pro by Maximos Sevastopoulos (c) 2002

Filesize: 2.92 MB | Added on: Jul 01, 2002 | Downloads: 1723

Users Reviews
Savannah Icp Mxp740 With Rotax912 80hp Emulating Engine. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

blueshoesrating: 9
November 10, 2002
Would be a 10 if the virtual cockpit view included working instruments it is pain having to flip between views fly properly. Very nice model otherwise.
jeanpihuibrating: 9
October 22, 2002