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FS2002 B-52H Stratofortress 2nd Bombardment Wing 11th BS B-52h by Kotaro akikawa.

Filesize: 3.11 MB | Added on: Jun 22, 2002 | Downloads: 3665

Users Reviews
FS2002 B-52H Stratofortress 2nd Bombardment Wing 11th BS. Rating: 2.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

BLKSHiEPrating: 3
June 29, 2004
The model is outstanding, but the plane dosen t have power nor perfomance to surpass 30,000 ft. It could be better.
kl0j0rating: 1
March 11, 2003
There are too many concurrent connections to the Shared file server. Please try again later.