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FS2002 T-65 X-Wing Starfighter "Red 5" By Thomas B. Beard (mtbeer) tbeard@carolina. rr. com

Filesize: 292.14 Kb | Added on: Jun 13, 2002 | Downloads: 4589

Users Reviews
FS2002 T-65 X-Wing Starfighter Red 5 Thomas B. Rating: 7.75 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

kevincerinirating: 10
April 11, 2006
very fast. 747 interior
ElHansrating: 10
October 10, 2002
Fawn100rating: 10
September 26, 2002
This X wing is totally awesome. Its super fast and maneuverable. Ok virtual cockpit. Good details nice mode. By the way, You open S foils wings by pressing tailhook key. says it in readme. Job overall Hint If you dont have an assigned key, go to control settings make one
samuraibrewerrating: 1
August 26, 2002
Awful Had a very hard time getting it in the air and when I did got this STARSHIP to 43,000 MSL Landing gear would not retract S foils deploy. This resource needs much improvement.