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Photo-realistic Fs98 fs2000 Panel For The A-10 Or Fa-18 Or Other Military Aircraft. By Malcolm Steck

Filesize: 1.03 MB | Added on: Jun 02, 2002 | Downloads: 1749

Users Reviews
Photo-realistic Fs98 fs2000 Panel A-10 Fa-18 Military. Rating: 7.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

mrjman3rrating: 6
August 1, 2011
this is a pretty nice panel. however, i must give it 6 because the attitude indicator just picture.
MBIIrating: 8
February 6, 2003
This is a nice panel and the active AI radar monitor addition. However, I can only give this rating of 8 since there no AP available. Nice job.