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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 Mirage F1C. Hellenic Air Force F1c Textures repaint By Angelos Hatzikatakos This Is The Mirage F1c. With Default Sounds And 1 Paint Scheme (for Reduced File Size). All Other Features Remain The Same As The Full Package, Such As Dynamic Virtual Cockpit And Maximum Animation (gear Compression, Realistic Gear Sequence, Spinning Wheels, Spoilerons, Drag Chute, And An Incredible Afterburner Effect).

Filesize: 13.57 MB | Added on: May 27, 2002 | Downloads: 2448

Users Reviews
FS2002 Mirage F1C Hellenic Air Force F1c Textures repaint. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

hrushirating: 10
March 9, 2008
This is the best aircraft i could find for this subject It has sick effects, too cool, looks like payware
marsulrating: 10
October 10, 2003
Excellent, well done. I ll give it 10 despite the canopy not opening. The rest is great and mor than makes up for it.
macdudekusrating: 10
June 12, 2003
FANTASTIC Realistic textures, nice burst, and cool pilot You must have it