FS2002 Scenery. Star Wars Ville De Coruscant La Ville De Coruscant Et Des Vaisseaux Du Film Star Wars Autour By Olivier Bochu
Users Reviews
FS2002 Scenery Star Wars Ville De Coruscant La Des. Rating: 4.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.
FS2002 Scenery Star Wars Ville De Coruscant La Des. Rating: 4.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.
pvjk91rating: 6
March 10, 2006
It could be better. The scenery sucks, and you can t fly in to the buildings. And it has a very tricky place com too. lays nourthwest part of Mali. N 24 57 35 W 4 59 46 if are intrested.
turkeysitarrating: 1
May 24, 2003
Fawn100rating: 7
December 29, 2002
Its pretty good overall, Buildings look ok, spaceshipss a bit strange but otherwise good. not an airport, so you ll have to find it on your own. Took me it. All I know is that its in Northwest Africa, the desert. Oh, and by way, frame killer