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FS2002 Scenery. Star Wars Ville De Coruscant La Ville De Coruscant Et Des Vaisseaux Du Film Star Wars Autour By Olivier Bochu

Filesize: 1.14 MB | Added on: May 19, 2002 | Downloads: 1734

Users Reviews
FS2002 Scenery Star Wars Ville De Coruscant La Des. Rating: 4.67 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

pvjk91rating: 6
March 10, 2006
It could be better. The scenery sucks, and you can t fly in to the buildings. And it has a very tricky place com too. lays nourthwest part of Mali. N 24 57 35 W 4 59 46 if are intrested.
turkeysitarrating: 1
May 24, 2003
Fawn100rating: 7
December 29, 2002
Its pretty good overall, Buildings look ok, spaceshipss a bit strange but otherwise good. not an airport, so you ll have to find it on your own. Took me it. All I know is that its in Northwest Africa, the desert. Oh, and by way, frame killer