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FS2002 Atr 42-300, By F. Sanchez-castaner Atr 42-300 In Avianova Livery. Designed By F. Sanchez-castaner For FS2002. Includes Virtual Cockpit, Custom Panel And Gauges. Custom Sound. cfg Also Provided.

Filesize: 3.40 MB | Added on: May 09, 2002 | Downloads: 1843

Users Reviews
FS2002 Atr 42-300 F. Rating: 9.33 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

mthierfelderrating: 8
March 18, 2003
ABJ68rating: 10
June 18, 2002
webmasterrating: 10
June 1, 2002
This is a must have aircraft for medium size airliner pilot, comes with great virtual copkpit and it looks awesome my ED Glasses. No frame rate drop.