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THE DC-10-30 PANEL FOR FS2002 PRO Original bmp background with analog gauges. Ther are 80 instruments gauges alone on the main panel. Includes FS2002 SIMICONS, spolier arming gauge, inner and outer flap gauges, nav gps switch, two DME readouts, autopilot annunciator gauge, and a pneumatic air break gauge to name a few. Uses some of Paul Goldings, Chuck Domes, and Charles Foxs excellent gauge designs. Must have the msfs default FS2000 Concorde Gauge for this panel. by Tom Dennis UPS330 KDEN AHM

Filesize: 1.90 MB | Added on: May 01, 2002 | Downloads: 3942

Users Reviews
DC-10-30 PANEL FS2002 PRO Original bmp background with. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

MartinderFliegerrating: 9
October 13, 2002
Anonymousrating: 9
July 15, 2002