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FS2002 Antonov An-30, The Antonov An-30 is another member of the An-24 family. It was designed as an aerial survey and picturegraphic airplane, employed e. g. for map-making. Some An-30 are also known to have been employed on ecological survey missions. Various cameras and sensors are integrated into the fuselage, and the airplane reportedly even features its own darkroom. To make room for the equipment, the An-30 features a raised cockpit on the forward fuselage. As the An-30 is a highly specialised aircraft type, it has exclusively been built in little numbers. Most of the airplanes are based either in Myachkovo to the southeast of Moscow, in Siberia or in the Ukraine. FSDS model by Samdim Flight model, panel and sounds by Valentin

Filesize: 4.19 MB | Added on: May 01, 2002 | Downloads: 1760

Users Reviews
FS2002 Antonov An-30 member An-24 family. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

philliprgrating: 1
November 23, 2003