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FS2002 Panel Douglas DC-8-70 Series. Tested in 3-D and designed for 1024 x 768 screen resolution. FS2K Switchable throttle, and GPS panels. Panel designed with modern "glass" instrumentation and includes: Working EPR gauges, increased noise from lowered gear, configuration warning gauges, GPWS Glideslope Warning, autobrake, EFIS, FS2K autostart, no smoking seat belts switches with chime, AC, click sounds, and more. Panel is an renovated Olav M. Roenningen design. True FS2K Flight Dynamics AIR files included for Kim Simmelink Project DC-8 71 72 73 models.

Filesize: 2.64 MB | Added on: May 23, 2001 | Downloads: 2440