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FS2002 Spirit Of St. Louis This is the first release in a group of Planes I am currently working on. Each plane will have been somewhat key to the history of aviation. The Next release will be the Rutan Designed Voyager. All releases will include Flight Plans, for the historic flights, weather, and possibly Adventures. The Original plane did not use Vor navigation for the trip, however without a way to provide maps for the whole route, I made a flight plan that you can follow with Vor, Or NDB. If you want a true challenge look in the Reference section of the notepad. It includes Bearings, and distance for each waypoint, so you could fly the whole route with no Navigation. The Original plane also had no radio to conserve on weight. However this is also included. By Alan Kaiser

Filesize: 1.86 MB | Added on: Apr 05, 2002 | Downloads: 1902

Users Reviews
FS2002 Spirit St. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

lockerman123rating: 8
February 5, 2003
javisanrating: 10
January 7, 2003
Impressive work of love, congratulations I can not send an e mail to congratulate the maker.