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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 U. S. NAVY C-2A Greyhound VRC-30 from NAS North Island, Calf Originally designed using FSDS, completly re-vamped using GMAX. Includes a C-2A panel and Turbo-Prop sounds. Panel requires FS2002 Pro (gauges) Description:The C-2A Greyhound, twin-engine cargo aircraft designed to land on aircraft carriers, provides critical logistics support to aircraft carriers. Features: Full animation using GMAX. Full Virtual Cockpit with night lighting, Folding Wings (Shift + Q), Passenger and Cockpit door (Shift + E + 1), Cargo Door (Shift + E + 2), Nose wheel steering, etc. etc., all the lights, bells and whistles that can be stuffed into one. mdl file! Aircraft and Panel By Rick Sasala

Filesize: 8.85 MB | Added on: Mar 30, 2002 | Downloads: 1682

Users Reviews
FS2002 U.S NAVY C-2A Greyhound VRC-30 NAS North Island. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

102091rating: 9
August 5, 2005
great A C, simple but extremely functional panel, comes w a tailhook too