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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 PRO Zenith CH 801 Short Take Off Landing (STOL) hombuilt kit aircraft Version 2. 0 The CH 801 is a four seat fixed gear utility aircraft. Capable of 250 foot takeoff rolls and comparable landing distances, the CH801 is a terrific Bush plane. Designed with Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) and includes panel, cargo Pod, Pilot figure and moving parts. Panel requires ACS_GPS, latest version. in Civilian and Bush Flying Unlimited Paint. Panel bitmap By Ian Grant. 2002 dynamics mods by Curt. By Brian Gladden

Filesize: 1.34 MB | Added on: Mar 28, 2002 | Downloads: 2448

Users Reviews
FS2002 PRO Zenith CH 801 Short Landing STOL hombuilt kit. Rating: 9.00 of 10 over a total of 2 reviews.

ricardothekillerrating: 9
August 17, 2006
great machine I flew it over the alps and landed in a valley went right
cometrating: 9
March 24, 2003
I like this fine add on. can recommend it.