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FS2002 Hawker Siddley Buccaneer S2B I have reworked Giovannis air file to make it more Stable, she will now fly to 690kts with no adverse flight characteristics. These flight dynamics are not 100% authentic as it is impossible with any flight simulator to achieve but they do represent the Buccaneer in many ways, Stable flight at ultra low level and high speed, slow rolling and turning at speeds under 300kts, relatively slow landing speed approx 130-140kts and stable taxi. Beware of the airbrakes, as the Bucc was a carrier borne aircraft the airbrakes have been made over sensitive so you can land on carriers. I did alter this so that it wasnt so sharp, but still stop you dead in the sky (if not used with care) to retain carrier landing capability. Have fun flying her, I am sure you will love the responsive nature of the Brick By Jon Watkins

Filesize: 1.67 MB | Added on: Mar 20, 2002 | Downloads: 2260

Users Reviews
FS2002 Hawker Siddley Buccaneer S2B I reworked Giovannis. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

root831022rating: 1
June 18, 2004