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FS2002 Adventure IFR Lesson: Bankstown Rwy 11C Approach. So youve tried out all the ILSs and find them a little boring? OK, have a go at hand-flying a non-precision NDB approach in a C182 at one of the worlds busiest general aviation airports, Bankstown NSW, Australia. This Lesson Adventure is for the advanced IFR rated simmer wishing to test his skills under the glare of an instructor.

Filesize: 3.63 MB | Added on: Jul 23, 2001 | Downloads: 2127

Users Reviews
FS2002 Adventure IFR Lesson Bankstown Rwy 11C Approach. Rating: 5.57 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

fc_05353439443002997061rating: 5
February 12, 2011
Not compatible with W7
bigpomrating: 6
December 30, 2005
Designer s email no longer valid. Instructions refer to FS 2000 but it is supposed be a FS2002 adventure. Dave Ellis.........81143
Anonymousrating: 7
May 10, 2002