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Complete Aircraft
FS2000 2002 Fuerza Area Colombiana Lockheed C130 Hrcules. The colombian air force has 8 hrcules to serve on Colombia. This plane (1005) have a sad history. It are painted on the transport colors. Repainted by: Carlos Henao. (AMERiCANO) Original model: Adrian Brausch

Filesize: 2.65 MB | Added on: Feb 10, 2002 | Downloads: 6048

Users Reviews
FS2000 2002 Fuerza Area Colombiana Lockheed C130 Hrcules. Rating: 7.71 of 10 over a total of 14 reviews.

coke1980rating: 9
March 10, 2006
antediegorating: 10
December 3, 2004
gostrating: 9
May 23, 2004
coky100rating: 8
March 9, 2004
Es un buen avi n, los sonidos son realistas y su vista externa es perfecta, lo unico que le falta para llegar al 10 la cabina sea mas realista. De todas formas, reitero, trabajo.
bassman1strating: 10
September 5, 2003
reedanrating: 1
August 15, 2003
This plane is a freaking joke. Panel crap texture and i have 2800 comp. plus all my quality realisim on high. It sux dont bother.
vietvet6869rating: 7
March 6, 2003
Lacking OEM Panel and Strobe lights unrealistic.
Bucanerorating: 6
February 17, 2003
As an aircrew member in this aircraft I can tell you Checklist Exactlly , Sounds C 130 is a turbo prop not jet, Cockpit throttle quadrant supposed to be 4 engines 2 plus digital cockpit plane realistic but besides that behaves well flight and ground.
terrorrating: 10
December 2, 2002
Nice nice. I love this one. Roy Norway
zangrenegrarating: 8
October 31, 2002
Birchmanrating: 10
October 10, 2002
bagtrashrating: 10
August 13, 2002
andrearating: 7
June 14, 2002
I like the idea of having an airplane with colombian flag, becase am a pilot in Colombia cessna . Thank you
truscottrating: 3
March 21, 2002
Nothing special, have seen better, sorry.