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FS2002 Yellowstone National Park This bundle consists of 38. 2m (LOD 10) terrain covering 792 LOD 10 quadrants comprising and surrounding Yellowstone National Park. The coverage area includes parts of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. These files were compiled from 30m Digital Elevation Models obtained from The USGS National Elevation Dataset, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD. The DEM was verified using Manifold 5 and exported to ESRI. bil format. It was then resampled to 38. 2m (LOD 10) using the Microsoft FS200x Terrain SDK. Thanks and Acknowledgment is made to these organizations for the data and tools. by FSGenesis Justin Tyme

Filesize: 33.17 MB | Added on: Feb 04, 2002 | Downloads: 1255