Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Featuring: Near picturegraphic Main Panel with working gauges, Autoland capability; GPS; FMC; Yoke; Crew dialog; Altitude warning; Altitude calls during approach. Built by Capt. I. DAttomo

Filesize: 902.00 Kb | Added on: Feb 20, 2002 | Downloads: 4089

Users Reviews
Featuring picturegraphic Main Panel with working gauges. Rating: 6.36 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

JetSet04rating: 10
October 18, 2004
This panel for the 340s is very easy to use and makes it also fly with new advantages like autoland land at impossible airport, that unexperienced pilots can t. Most might not want because take away feeling of real flight my Dad , but generation young inspired pilot myslef would make a bit less hasle noodle P. PS Try CX 346 FSpainters aircraft....Great match up
GreatDanerating: 2
March 12, 2003
Normally, when you download something and follow the instructions, things oght to be working...In this case, I followed instructions It did not work. tried fix problem myself work So, can t give more than a rating of 2...things in here should work, also for unexperienced... no, m
Anonymousrating: 10
April 7, 2002
Anonymousrating: 10
April 1, 2002