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A repaint of the msfs default C182RG in PA State Police Colors of blue with white. The Pennsylvania State Police Aviation Division was established on October 15. 1968. Air Patrol Operations were initiated on March 24, 1969 at the then Harrisburg-York Airport (Capital City Airport). The Divisions initial personnel complement consisted of six (6) pilots and four (4) mechanic observers. These aircraft. Supplied through the Federal Military Surplus Property System, were intended for utilization during natural disasters, rescues, civil disorders, and emergency medical evacuation transportation. In August 1989, the Aviation Division took delivery of a fourth (4th) Cessna 182 Skylane used for drug surveillance and criminal investigation work. Has Transparent windows, flaps, retractable landing gear and all flight surfaces are moveable. Textures repaint by Bob Bongiovanni

Filesize: 589.00 Kb | Added on: Mar 12, 2002 | Downloads: 1397