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Complete Aircraft
A very nice repaint for the original FS2K Boeing 737-400. 2nd Upload By Ferdy Serena FS2002 pro Bombardier Canadair CL215 Canadian Operators This is the former Fs2000 model renovated to fs2002, of the famous canadian built fire fighting amphibious plane. This version of the model shows a selection of various painting schemes sported by aircrafts used by various operators in CANADA. The model, made with Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) from ABACUS features all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc.. with a realistic rendered motion of the main gear, a nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. This is a true amphibious plane. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Panel work from Rolf UWE Hockmuth. Paint works by Gerardo Taccoli and Keith Clifford. Air file by Andrea Cini.

Filesize: 2.75 MB | Added on: Jan 30, 2002 | Downloads: 1698

Users Reviews
A nice repaint original FS2K Boeing 737-400. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

dansig99rating: 8
March 7, 2003