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FS2002 XP-38N Version 3. 1 A fictitious variant Lockheeds famous P-38 Lightning. Update features zero net-torque flight model, improved external model, enhanced static virtual cockpit with night lighting, and enhanced panel with autopilot, GPS, etc. Uses instruments gauges from HGHB, Chuck Dome, DragonFlight, and others. Complete package, including panel, tailored sounds, two texture sets, etc. By David C. Copley

Filesize: 5.09 MB | Added on: Jan 30, 2002 | Downloads: 1946

Users Reviews
FS2002 XP-38N Version 3.1 A fictitious variant Lockheeds. Rating: 5.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

billybobjoebob2rating: 5
April 10, 2009
this ones allright but does anyone know of a fs2004 version