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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2002 Cessna 206 Stationair 6 II amphibian Theres a legend in aviation. About an airplane thats more than just a machine. An airplane that represents a way of life. Its a legend about guts. Ruggedness. Determination. Trusted reliability. Its a legend called the Cessna Stationair. One legendary aircraft stands alone as the hardest-working piston Single in the business. This plane is equiped with EDO amphibian floats. This Flight Simulator Design Studio (FSDS) model has 32-bit textures, all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc, dynamic virtual cockpit with night lights, transparent cockpit windows with glass reflections, instrument panel and sounds. Plane by Mikko Maliniemi. Panel by Ian Grant. Flight dynamics by Steven Grant. Sounds by Aaron R. Swindle

Filesize: 7.22 MB | Added on: Jan 29, 2002 | Downloads: 2919

Users Reviews
FS2002 Cessna 206 Stationair 6 II amphibian a legend. Rating: 8.71 of 10 over a total of 7 reviews.

minimac93rating: 8
May 27, 2007
Absolutely horrible Virtual Cockpit... otherwise, it s very good.
saturn2732rating: 10
September 3, 2005
this is an awsome plane. the sound very realistic. Great job Saturn2732
HarleyManrating: 7
May 29, 2004
My 1st download and it s great
angierating: 8
October 5, 2003
I like to fly this plane its pretty cool the flight characteristics are close real thing. It would be nice if wheels turned though
BravoZulurating: 9
July 21, 2003
SUPER Better than the MS Planes. It is a plasure to fly and land this C206. The NAV could be tat better. Thank you Great VC Sound
HOWLER304rating: 10
March 30, 2003
The airplane flys great i ve put it through the test landing in small lakes with mountains all around and passes flying colors. looking forwad to more. thanks Howler from Team repaints
timbodprating: 9
March 2, 2003