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Complete Aircraft
Sukhoi T4 FS2000 FS2002. Lost Wings Collection Hypersonic long-range bomber Sukhoi T-4 (100, Sotka) The plane is fully animated (elevons, rudder, nose, gear). By Michael Cat Shulgin, Copper Beard Aerospace

Filesize: 387.00 Kb | Added on: Jan 29, 2002 | Downloads: 2066

Users Reviews
Sukhoi T4 FS2000 FS2002. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

CleverishKrating: 6
August 5, 2003
WOW, this is a big plane. I haven t been able to get the speed and alt. that baby spec. . But it amazingly stable at low speeds easy fun fly. Worth download from History standpoint alone. If you read about others of its time period. You are really missing out.
Kronotaurrating: 10
January 8, 2003
The discription says that this aircraft should be able to fly at great altitude speed but it can t. I also needs a panel. A 4 engine or concord panel works well. Also, reach speeds around m1.5. It climb about normal jetliner altitudes. s easy land and fun for sight seeing. just everything exept IFR flying i am saying from experiance with the plane as havn t tried in myself . None less is dsecent worth download.
Anonymousrating: 8
April 5, 2002