Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
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FS2002 Scenery Alaskan Commuter 7: Mostly BC. Part 3 of a 3 part series including 21 airports in British Columbia which connects the lower 48 to Alaska. Airports are usually about 100-150 miles apart. Aviators can start at Seattle and fly the coastal route to Ketchikan and beyond, or start at Glacier International Airport in Kalispell, Montana, and fly the backbone of the Canadian Rockies to Northway, AK. With the Alaskan Commuter 5 and 6 downloads, a pilot can continue on with short hops to the Bering Sea. A few have float plane facilities. Replaces Nasports.

Filesize: 4.78 MB | Added on: Sep 25, 2001 | Downloads: 1191