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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 Denel Cheetah D TFDC. The Denel Cheetah D is the South African upgrade of the Mirage III airframe and resemble IAI Kfirs. This aircraft represents No. 845 of the Test Flight and Development Centre (TFDC), SAAF. Aircraft has moving gear, elevators, airbrakes and FS2002 512x512 8-bit textures. F7 8 key deploys the drag-chute.

Filesize: 144.00 Kb | Added on: Sep 17, 2001 | Downloads: 2034

Users Reviews
FS2002 Denel Cheetah D TFDC. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

HugeBazzarating: 10
July 14, 2002
I was quite astounded to see that someone has finally brought out a Cheeta in the SAAF colours it took me bit by surprise. Compliments modeller and painter for an excellent job done Just pity they don t fly as much real life than do on FS, realy is astonishing machine. Barry Kok Fugro South Africa Aircrew Tukman Base, Saudi Arabia