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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 CH-34AircraftH-34C, Choctaw, Sikorsky (model S-58), a cargo helicopter, could carry 12 to 16 troops or eight litters in the MedEvac role. The Chocktaw had a single four-bladed main rotor and a four-bladed metal tail rotor. The CH-34C was powered by a single Curtis-Wright R-1820-84C 1425 hp piston engine and had a speed of 123 mph (107 knots).

Filesize: 2.07 MB | Added on: Sep 04, 2001 | Downloads: 2974

Users Reviews
FS2002 CH-34AircraftH-34C Choctaw Sikorsky model S-58 a. Rating: 7.10 of 10 over a total of 4 reviews.

radarfh123rating: 10
October 2, 2008
its great in my opianaion
Anvillrating: 10
June 21, 2003
barinrating: 1
November 17, 2002
Anonymousrating: 10
November 9, 2001