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Complete Aircraft
FS2002 Cessna C-177RG Cardinal. Includes all parts animated; wheels, ailerons, rudder, steering, etc, virtual cockpit, transparent canopy with glass reflections and an instrument panel with 360 degree cockpit bitmaps.

Filesize: 3.10 MB | Added on: Jul 25, 2001 | Downloads: 2976

Users Reviews
FS2002 Cessna C-177RG Cardinal. Rating: 6.34 of 10 over a total of 5 reviews.

salucas2000rating: 5
December 22, 2005
Nav 1 and 2 flip flops work backwards changes frequency in use vice standby . Look left look right images remain forward view image. Hitting the down 5 key clears problem. Both HSI CDI indicators read from tuner. Huge panel, but typical for this type. No exterior views appeared when I tried those views. Otherwise, not bad.
dbn007rating: 5
September 9, 2005
Uses default 182RG flight characteristic, the panel is to large. I changed better serve plane. Nice paint job.
Anokaflyerrating: 8
February 22, 2005
Very close to the real cardinal that I flew yesterday. really like it.
sw4505rating: 7
June 30, 2003
Very similar to the default 182RG with larger panel reduced visibility . Nice paint without s ugly red interior. Male pilot.
Anonymousrating: 10
February 13, 2002