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Complete Aircraft
FS2004 POSKY JAL Resocha 747-300. PROJECT OPENSKY BOEING 747-300 Passenger V4 for FS2004 only JAL Resocha JA8183 Copyrights. This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky Model. Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics. Warren C. Daniel Brandon D. Henry Tested. Project-Opensky Members 747 Series Masters. Corey Ford Painted. AJ Nikoley (chebcrazyatgmail. com) Features (in depth). This model is made for FS2004 and has some XML coded animations. Dynamic flexing wings Body gear steering under 15kt above 1kt. Nose gear steering under 60kt above 1kt. Rudder lock under 60kt above 1kt. Ground spoiler only works on ground. Low speed aileron locks at high speed. Fully animated control surfaces Fully independent suspension Trim Animation Opening Passenger Doors Animated tilting bogies Rolling wheels Animated thrust reversers Detailed textures Full night lighting Crash affects Ground Service Vehicles when Cargo door open And more.. .

Filesize: 21.35 MB | Added on: Nov 28, 2017 | Downloads: 2441

Users Reviews
FS2004 POSKY JAL Resocha 747-300. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

schaferrating: 10
February 24, 2019
sehr good aiecraft.