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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Lavochkin La-9 fighter. The Lavochkin La-9 was the near mighty of the Lavochkin piston fighters. maturation of the Lavochkin La-9 began in 1945. It was a follow-through of the La-7 which was a proved fighter at the time. The La-9 had an all metall construction. The wings were somewhat to a greater extent cut-off at the tips alternatively of the to a greater extent oval tips of the previous fighters. The new fighter, entered product in lordly 1946. A number of 1, 559 aircraft were built by the end of product in 1948. plane paradise freeware upgraded to FSX by A. F. Scrub.

Filesize: 30.35 MB | Added on: Nov 11, 2012 | Downloads: 3441

Users Reviews
FSX Lavochkin La-9 fighter. Rating: 9.18 of 10 over a total of 11 reviews.

fastflugrating: 10
December 4, 2017
If you love post WWII airplanes and especially those high performance soviet fighters, this addon is for you. Very detailed fun to fly.
CJM_1995_XxXrating: 9
September 8, 2015
Really great add on
skullmako22-googlerating: 8
February 12, 2014
illegalclub-googlerating: 10
June 23, 2013
christobalrating: 6
June 11, 2013
Un tr s bon addon pour ceux qui aime les avions des ann es 1950
Windows8Userrating: 9
March 26, 2013
wout66rating: 9
March 6, 2013
great one
kousmasterrating: 10
February 26, 2013
This is a awesome add on
Metro644rating: 10
February 6, 2013
very nice job
afaqqrating: 10
December 5, 2012
pedrotuningrating: 10
November 23, 2012