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FSX LF1224 St Rome de Tarn. The closest ULM air stripe near the famous Bridge of Millau, in the center of France, this very interesting and challenging little air field is mostly for Utra light motorised although, if a talented bush pilot, you can try with light aircrafts like the Piper Cub, the Jodel or the Maule. If good, you can even try with the Pilatus or the DH2. The landing stripe is on the top of the hill, roughtly North South oriented. If using real weather, the winds and the fogs could be a challenge when trying to find the place back. Thanks to the authors of Gmax, FSX planner and SbuilderX for those superbes development tools. Using almost only existing elements of FSX, this should not hit too much your FPS. Thanks, a lot, to Jihemtee as well as Pat93, Bruno BLB and the rest of
Show more... the FAV team (France Aviation Virtuelle) for helping with the testing of the scenery. Its under my copyright, and should be only freely distributed and in any case never be part of a commercial package. There is nothing there which could possibly damage your computer or your FSX, so I am not taking any responsibility in any possible incident on your machines. I am using items from the library of FSX to be FPS frendly and. .. its working. unzip the files and folders under your addon scenery directory declare the scenery Thats it. Unfortunatly, as far as I know, this scenery is not compatible with previous versions of FS. Enjoy flying in that amazing area ! Dominique M. L. Donzelot ddonzelotataol. com Nom. St Rome du Tarn Code OACI ou FFPLUM. LF1224 Type de terrain. A rodrome priv Latitude. 44. 0380555555556 Longitude. 2. 90361111111111 Altitude. 1818 Indicatif radio. St Rome D partement. 12 LF1224 Saint Rome du Tarn N440217 E0025412 (also author of LFQJ, SSOS, SOOR, SOOC, LFFK, ACLT, LFRI, LFNQ, SMLB, LFOO, LFRE, LFEA, LHC1, FMXX, LTFB, LFXH, LFSP, LFEV, LFOY, IOAL, LFGD, LFQM, LFSA, LFSA photo scenery, LFYS, EGKR, LFNL for FSX and LFFE for FSX and previous versions of FS) (c) FSX LF1224 D. Donzelot 2012 FSX LF1224 St Rome de Tarn Le terrain dULM le plus proche du fameux pont de Millau, cet interessant petit terrain est surtout fait pour les ultra lights m me si un bon pilote de brousse pourra y poser le Piper Cub, le Jodel ou le Maule. Si vraiment dou s, on peut aussi y poser le Pilatus ou le Breaver. La piste, plutot mal pav e, est au sommet dune colline, orient e grossi rement nord sud. Si vous branchez la m t o en r el, attention aux coups de vents et aux mont es de brouillard. Merci beaucoup Jihemtee, ainsi qu Pat93, Bruno BLB et le reste de lequipe de France Aviation Virtuelle, pour avoir test cette sc ne. Il y a deux dossiers installer. Decompresser les fichiers contenus dans le fichier zip dans votre repertoire addon scenery ou Decors suppl mentaires. declarer la scene Cette scene est sous mon copyright et est disponible pour telechargement ou copie gratuite uniquement et ne saurait faire partie dun package commercial. Je ne pense pas quelle puisse endommager votre ordinateur ou votre Flight Simulator et me d gage donc de toutes responsabilit s cet gard. Jutilise les objets de la bibliotheque FSX donc vos precieux FPS devraient tre ok. Malheureusement, cette sc ne nest pas compatible avec les versions precedentes de FS. Bons vols tous Dominique M. L. Donzelot ddonzelotataol. com (egalement auteur de LFQJ, SSOS, SOOR, SOOC, LFFK, ACLT, LFRI, LFNQ, SMLB, LFOO, LFRE, LFEA, LHC1, FMXX, LTFB, LFXH, LFSP, LFEV, LFOY, IOAL, LFGD, LFQM, LFSA, LFSA photo scenery, LFYS, EGKR, LFNL for FSX and LFFE for FSX and previous versions of FS) (c) FSX LFQJ D. Donzelot 2012 Nom. St Rome du Tarn Code OACI ou FFPLUM. LF1224 Type de terrain. A rodrome priv Latitude. 44. 0380555555556 Longitude. 2. 90361111111111 Altitude. 1818 Indicatif radio. St Rome D partement. 12 LF1224 Saint Rome du Tarn N440217 E0025412 Show less...

Filesize: 205.73 Kb | Added on: Sep 16, 2012 | Downloads: 1211