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CFS Macro Mercedes-Benz DL-22, Turntable Ladder 1944 CFS Version of a WWII ground vehicle. On this zip file, I have included the Mercedes-Benz DL-22 (L4500) Turntable Ladder of 1944, of German Fire Service (Feuerwehr). The Mercedes-Benz Type L 4500 was developed as part of the German Schell plan, basically a plan to standardize the different classes of trucks between German manufacturers. The MB 4500A was classified as a heavy transport in the 4. 5-ton class of truck and was used primarily for supply purposes. In 1923, Metz had introduced the first turntable ladder which was powered by the vehicle engine, via a transmission power take-off. Metz opted for a different approach as early as 1930 in developing a unique telescopic mast system. Inside the mast, which could be extended to a length
Show more... of 50 meters, a water pipe was laid that ended in a swivel-type pipe at the top of the mast. A centrifugal pump at the rear of the vehicle generated the necessary pressure. The telescopic mast also doubled as a crane which, at a reach of two meters, was able to lift four tons and still as much as 900 kilograms at a reach of five meters. When equipped with a platform, the vehicle with telescopic mast, secured by two supporting jacks, could also be used for rescue operations. Some 700 turntable ladders were built in Germany between 1936 and 1945. Whereas the Aviation Ministry initially preferred 26 meter long ladders (KL 26), the fire-fighting police specified lengths of 17 meters (LDL), 22 meters (SDL) and 32 meters (GDL) in 1940. At a later stage, all four lengths were included in the standards with acronyms DL 17-22-26 32. In setting up turntable ladder vehicles, Daimler-Benz cooperated with Metz. The light LD 17 turntable ladders were mounted on L 1500 chassis with 45 or 60 hp gasoline engines. Initially, the L 3000 S chassis with 80 hp diesel engine served as a backbone for DL 22 ladders and the L 3750 chassis with 100 hp engine for 26 meter long ladders. At a later stage, the L 4500 S chassis with 112 hp engine was added to the range 22-32 meters. During WWII, these vehicles had become necessary to fight the fire caused in the highest buildings, due to allied air raids in German cities. After 1945, production continued after the war until 1948. (In my country, the Chilean Firefighting Corps used this models until early 70s. ) All information to develop the textures, was taken from the site www. o5m6. de, Engines of the Wehrmacht, with the webmasters permission. Special thanks to Cuerpo de Bomberos de Santiago-Chile, with the provided information about this vehicle. I have created this api macro with Easy Object Designer (EOD), Version 2. 2. 85 (Matthias Br ckner), to generate the Mercedes-Benz DL-22 (L4500) Turntable Ladder, with use of BMP transparent textures, oriented to CFS scenery designers and that they work with Airport 2. 0 or later. The textures are the same of my Mercedes-Benz LF 25, fire engine macro. This macro was tested only in CFS1 sceneries, but I believe that can work without problems in CFS2-3 and FS2000-2002. All mine API macros, could be included on objects libraries with crash detection (for CFS missions), but must be distributed with the original API-MACRO copyright. Edmundo Abad Santiago-Chile July 2012 Show less...

Filesize: 228.50 Kb | Added on: Aug 31, 2012 | Downloads: 1137