Textures Only
CFS Macro Mack NR-15 CFS Version of a WWII ground vehicle. The Mack NR-15 was a 10 Ton. 6x4 truck used by the US Army, USAAF, Navy and Marines, during WWII. I have created a api macro with Easy Object Designer (EOD), Version 2. 0. 47 (Matthias Br ckner), to generate a static Mack NR-15, used by U. S. A. A. F. on WWII. All information to develop the api macro and the textures, was taken from the site www. o5m6. de, Engines of the Red Army, with the webmasters permission. This macro was tested only in CFS1 sceneries, but I believe that can work without problems in CFS2-3 and FS2000-2002. All mine API macros, could be included on objects libraries with crash detection (for CFS missions), but must be distributed with the original API-MACRO copyright. Edmundo Abad Santiago-Chile July 2011