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CFS Macro Allis-Chalmers M4 High-Speed Tractor CFS Version of a WWII ground vehicle. The M4 High-Speed Tractor was an artillery tractor used by the US Army from 1943 The M4 was based on the chassis and drive train of the obsolescent M2 Light Tank. This common practice of re-using old vehicles simplified design, allowed for easy production, and made maintenance in the field easier. One variant was designed to tow anti-aircraft guns and another for howitzers. The rear compartment carried the gun crew and other equipment and some later variants included a crane to assist with heavier projectiles. The M4 was manufactured by Allis-Chalmers of Milwaukee, starting in 1942 and was in U. S. military service until approximately 1960. Under the Mutual Defense Assistance software, the M4 was supplied
Show more... to The Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, Yugoslavia and Pakistan after World War II ended. I have created a api macro with Easy Object Designer (EOD), Version 2. 0. 47 (Matthias Br ckner), to generate a static M4 High-Speed Tractor, used by U. S. A. A. F. on WWII. Edmundo Abad Santiago-Chile July 2011 Show less...

Filesize: 150.90 Kb | Added on: Aug 30, 2012 | Downloads: 1145