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FS98 CFS1 Boeing 247-D United Air Lines. The Boeing Model 247 was an early United States airliner, considered the first such aircraft to fully incorporate advances such as all-metal (anodized aluminum) semi-monocoque construction, a fully cantilevered wing and retractable landing gear. Other advanced features included control surface trim tabs, an autopilot and deicing boots for the wings and tailplane. 60 Boeing 247 were operated by Boeing Air Transport (later United Air Lines) since 1934, remained in airline service until World War II, when several were converted into C-73 transports and trainers. Original FS5 model creator. Rich Boehringer 1996. All reworked to FS98 CFS1 with new textures, damage profile and moving parts. Edmundo Abad 2010. Also special thanks to Juan Concha & Roberto Ibarra, former FACH officers, by the great provided information for the development of this virtual model.

Filesize: 105.98 Kb | Added on: Aug 24, 2012 | Downloads: 702