Free Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads & Resources
Flight Simulation & Aviation Resources Since 2000
Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FSX Boeing 737-300 Jet2. Note that I did not create this plane. All that I did was make it useable in FSX. This file is only to be used as freeware. Do not upload on ANY payware site!!!!!!!!! Installation 1. Download from website. 2. Paste Jet2Yorkshire file (note paste the whole file you have just downloaded) (you may need to unzip it first) into simobjects airplanes 3. Open fsx and the aircraft should be there 4. If the aircraft isnt there do not hesitate to contact me nicholas. biggsathotmail. co. uk# Enjoy!!!!

Filesize: 10.31 MB | Added on: Apr 25, 2012 | Downloads: 2201

Users Reviews
FSX Boeing 737-300 Jet2. Rating: 8.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

asaceltarating: 8
June 9, 2012
very good.