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FSX Rollus F-8 Crusader PNEL. Requires the file fsxcrus. zip. This better represents an F-8E instrument panel. It comes with some new gauges and replaces the HUD with a gunsight. The vc panel alone is changed. The 2D panel is not changed. Instructions. Place the folder panel. F8E into your crusader folder. Place the gauges in the gauges folder into your FSX gauges folder. Change the panel alias in your cfg to the F8E. [fltsim. x] title F-8E VMF (AW) -122 ZUNI and Bull Pup sim crusader-US model crusadernavy400 panel F8E < Change to this. sound texture 122 panelalias soundalias kbchecklists kbreference atcid 149212 atcairline USMC atcflightnumber 05 uimanufacturer Vought uitype F-8E Crusader VMF (AW) -122 uivariation VMF (AW) -122 CRUSADERS ZUNI and BULL PUP description F-8E VMF (AW) -122 MC
Show more... AS Change the fuel entry in your cfg to this. [fuel] Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable (gallons), Unusable (gallons) fueltype 2 numberoftankselector s 1 electricpump 1 Center1 -7. 97, 0, -1. 09, 753. 0, 0 < Change to this LeftMain -8, 0, -1. 1, 595. 0, 0 < Change to this This is to make the Main and Transfer fuel quantities work properly. The Fuel in the wings on the F-8 was considered to be one tank for quantity purposes. Ive also made a Low Fuel annunciator which the real aircraft had. It comes on with about 10 percent fuel remaining. Ive borrowed some freeware gauges from other projects. Some came from the VNConnie, others from various sources. John Detrick spsailorathotmail. com Semper Fi! Show less...

Filesize: 10.18 MB | Added on: Mar 04, 2012 | Downloads: 1610