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Aeroclub Rio Cuarto SA0H. Located just South of Rio Cuarto in Argentinas Cordoba province is this beautiful little field. It features 2 runways; 01R 19L (asphalt, 930m x 19m), and 01L 19R (grass-dirt, 850m x 50m). Elevation is 1380 ft. I hope this scenery does it justice. Duplicating the buildings exactly is beyond the scope of my abilities at this time. So, I found some library objects that came close. The layout is pretty much dead-on, though without a diagram I had to use Google Earth shots, and the abundance of trees made that difficult. Enjoy! If someone wants to try upgrading it for accuracy, go for it! Installation; Files in the SA0H Scenery folder (not the folder itself, just the contents) go in Fs9s Addon Scenery Scenery folder. Files in the SA0H Texture folder (again, just the co
Show more... ntents) go in Addon Scenery Texture. This Fs9 Scenery is released as freeware. Copyright Stephen Plumb. Enjoy as-is, or change it if you can make it more accurate. You do not have permission to use this product for monetary gain, period. The rights and wishes of the author must be respected. Copyright 2011 by Stephen B. Plumb. All rights reserved. Thanks; Sidney Schwartz for his outstanding object libraries, Jon Masterson ScruffyDuck Software for ADE9X. Federico Malfu Sanchez for bringing this beautiful field to my attention, and supplying the info for this project. Show less...

Filesize: 1.85 MB | Added on: Mar 01, 2012 | Downloads: 1210