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Center and South Italy Airfield v. 1. 0. This is my first work on built sceneries. I have used Airport Design Editor X vs 01. 47. 7, that i discovered to be an excellent and user friendly software. this scenery is tested only on FSX, using Italy Mesh 2004 by Pietro Mauri, Photorealistic sceneries by Fulvio Mazzokan and Angelo Lanzillotta. This scenery contains 146 airfields and covers the center and southern Italy regions of Calabria, Basilicata, Puglia, Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Lazio, Umbria. The list of airfield has been downloaded from www. ulm. it, a site dedicated to italian ultralight aviation. I tried to reproduce the airports as close as possible with the reality, by using the layout from google earth images. In order to run this scenery you have to install and activate RWY12 and
Show more... EZ scenery objects. Installation. Unzip this file under your FSX add on scenery folder, with use folder name option activated. You should find a folder named. Center and South Italy Airfield. Activate it. Known Issues. I have positioned the airfields using the real coordinates and altitude reported in google earth. In some cases (few) may results that the runway is raised or below the level of the FSX terrain, expecially when it insists along an hillside. Where happened, i have tried to minimize this defect. This scenery is freeware and provided as it is, it and can be used by anyone. Therefore I cannot assure any assistance. It is prohibited the use for commercial purposes. I do not assume any responsibility for any damage may caused by the use of this software. Giuseppe Mendola giuseppe. mendolaatkatamail. com Show less...

Filesize: 715.95 Kb | Added on: Feb 01, 2012 | Downloads: 1232