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Speed Coversion Table Modification for Various Russian Airliners. This package includes panel. cfg entries for speed coversion table intended to use with. Soviet Classics Simulations Tu-134A, Project Tupolev Tu-154B-2, Project Tupolev Tu-154M (also with Vitamin visual model) and Project Tupolev Il-62M. Gauge file by zbynek must be downloaded separately in order to make everything work correctly. The speed coversion table converts the metric system (km h) speed indication to nautical units (knots) without mental calculation. Works with FS2004 only! Supported panels. SCS Tu-134A. default panel, default wide panel, 16. 9 panel by Peron4 (available from avsim. su) PT Tu-154B-2. default panel, NG Panel by Slavyan (available from avsim. su) PT Tu-154M. default panel, default wide panel, 1 monito
Show more... r wide panel by Mihail Stepanov (available from avsim. su) PT Il-62M. default panel, panel enhancement by Cristiano Canuti Installation. 1. Download the speed coversion table gauge by zbynek using the following link. http. www. protu-154. net forum download. php?id 6130&sid fa79bdd4b34823e9841f ae0c45fa640a 2. Unzip the file 3. Cut and paste spetab. CAB to your main gauges folder located in Flight Simulator 9 root folder. 4. Copy the correct entries from panelcfgentries. txt and paste them to your desired panels panel. cfg. 5. Change the two WindowXX and a single gaugeYY entries to the next number in sequence. 6. Save panel. cfg and youre done! By Kalle Heinonen 2011 heinkalathotmail. com Show less...

Filesize: 184.32 Kb | Added on: Nov 22, 2011 | Downloads: 1364