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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
FS2004 L2B (L2 Blender) Concept. This package contains the following items. -Original L2B model and documentation by Pedro Mayorga (free domain) -textures. H-CAM, BLUECAMMO, AMK17, AIM120, GBU, MK82 & Test Model -Panels. 2 complete panels for L2B (VC and VCCAM) To install just copy the folders. Aircraft, Gauges & Effects in the main Flight Simulator 9 folder (if the system ask for rewrite just accept and go on). Original model and documentation. Pedro Mayorga (free domain) Textures. Pedro Mayorga Panels. Pedro Mayorga Note. all gauges and images included in the panel are of public domain, no copyright infringement was intended. This is only for MS FS2004, free distribution of model, textures and panel are allowed. Please remember to read the L2B quick reference guide included in this packa
Show more... ge. This 3D Model was developed with educational purposes. Use of USAF, Lockheed Martin, P&W, Boeing, Nasa and JPL Names and Logos are with educational purposes. Pedro sLmNdR Mayorga Email. pedromayorga75atgmai l. com Show less...

Filesize: 34.26 MB | Added on: Nov 15, 2011 | Downloads: 1795

Users Reviews
FS2004 L2B L2 Blender Concept. Rating: 10.00 of 10 over a total of 3 reviews.

100000552137547-facebookrating: 10
March 16, 2013
This is an awesome addon a must have
sLmNdRrating: 10
July 23, 2012
L2B video at http watch v VsLjfrdL7c4
cptsm2012rating: 10
November 18, 2011
Pretty nice concept model, well done VC and paintings, absolutely recommended. Thanks Pedro keep the good work.