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Aerolineas Argentinas 737-7Q8. Project Opensky 737V1 Advanced model update First, this advanced model is not simple to use. Just install just drops to the backup animation mode which only supports minimum animations. How to install. 1. Copy the Model file (MDL) to the already installed aircraft. 2. Copy the texture file to the the already installed aircrafts texture folder. If asked overwrite, just choose no. 3. Copy the Lightmaps if missing. .. just for making sure. 4. Copy the Pkyutil and Posky737 folder to the panel folder of the already installed aircraft. 5. THIS IS IMPORTANT Needs to edit the panel. cfg of the aircraft. Add lines under to the panel. cfg Those guages control the animations.

Filesize: 10.84 MB | Added on: Sep 16, 2011 | Downloads: 1374