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Complete Aircraft with Virtual Cockpit
Dominican Airways Airbus A380. To add the flat merely go to curriculum Files Microsoft Games Microsoft Flight Simulator X or 2004 and then to Sim objective OR FOR FS2004 Aircraft and then for FSX Sim Obejects and for FS2004 simply add the Dominican Airways E-120 pamphlet TO AIRCRAFTS and for FSX go to the plane pamphlet and add the Dominican Airways A380 You power call for to take aim any FS2004 instrument panel and levelheaded imitate it and imitate and supplant the instrument panel and go that it brong just for FS2004 !!!!!!

Filesize: 21.59 MB | Added on: Sep 03, 2011 | Downloads: 2213

Users Reviews
Dominican Airways Airbus A380. Rating: 1.00 of 10 over a total of 1 reviews.

fc_16418720739306974511rating: 1
September 6, 2011
no panel