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Messerschmitt Me-163 B Komet Panel. FS2004 FSX photorealistic 2D jury for Warwick Carters fantastic Messerschmitt Me-163 B Komet. (Requires me163b zip. for FS2004 or fsxme163 zip. for FSX). The board and the gauges are twin (a) the VC. Included are 8 cameras with swell outside and cockpit views, f i. on anchor you can see the Kettenkrad (towing tractor) in presence of your cockpit. The Komet was the inaugural and only if rocket propelled champion aircraft in cosmos War II. It reached all but sonic travel rapidly. instrument panel and contour from Erwin Welker.

Filesize: 1.05 MB | Added on: Aug 06, 2011 | Downloads: 1381